Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Beginning

In January of 2012, I read "Wheat Belly" by William Davis MD. I had been a fan of his website for a couple of years and was intrigued by his theories. I started following the diet at the end the month with a starting bodyweight of 202 pounds at 5'10.5" and 12% bodyfat. I am currently maintaining a bodyweight of 180-184 at 9% bodyfat. My exercise levels (resistance training primarily) did not change from prior to the diet to present. Energy levels are up. I feel better in general. This led me to finding the Primal/Paleo community and my wife and I have adopted the lifestyle with wonderful results. I highly recommend Mark Sisson's website for frequent updates on the latest news and thoughts on Primal Living. My wife and I have influenced our neighbors to start living paleo as well, he has lost over thirty pounds since beginning in March and she has lost 10! I have been discussing this approach to many of my patients with wonderful results. I have many that have lost 20-50 pounds over the last 3 months while their blood sugar and lipids all show tremendous improvement. With this website, I plan on following the latest research on Paleo/Primal/Low Carb living, lipid research and management, exercise, and travel (and probably a few other things that I find interesting). I hope whoever stumbles on this site, will get some benefit from my experiences and the information shared.

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